The game of chess is one that requires constant study. To become a good chess player, you have to follow the game with utmost dedication. The major means for study in the old days were Read More
The world chess championship is the most coveted title in the game of chess. It is the pinnacle and apex of the game of kings. Very few chess players throughout history have been able to Read More
You have probably been walking around a park one day and saw two people moving sculpted pieces over a board. The game they were playing was called chess. You might have also heard about the Read More
IQ is the acronym for Intelligence Quotient. It is a measure of the ability to reason. A person’s IQ is supposed to gauge how well they can use information and logic to answer Read More
There’s a popular saying in the English language: Practice makes perfect. This means that to become good at anything, one must put in effort regularly. This saying is not lost on chess either. For Read More
Chess is a battle between two opposing sides that are fought with the mind. Tactics, wit, cunning, and a lot of nerve are required to win a chess game. The game is relatively simple and, Read More
The game of chess is said to be a game of infinite possibilities. Thousands of possible moves can be played by both players standing opposite the board of 64 squares. Indeed after a simple e4 e5 Read More
Chess is a game that transcends the 64 squares of the chessboard. For a lot of folks, it is a way of life, and what speaks more about life than films, movies, and documentaries? Imagine the Read More
Nigerian chess is believed to have been founded in 1975, and since then, the rise of chess has been slow but steady. Quite some impressive players have emerged through the ranks to rise to the very Read More
A lot of people are fascinated by chess on their first encounter. They see the beauty and develop a passion almost instantly. On their journey, they pick up a lot of things that help them Read More